Wednesday, March 12, 2025


On 14th December, 2022, the Deputy Director-General, Technical and Field Operations, Mr. W.K. Offei-Mensah inaugurated the Audit Committee of the Office of the Administrator of Stool Lands (OASL) on behalf of the Director-General, Dr. E.O. Osae. The event was chaired by the Administrator, Surveyor, Mrs. Maame Ama Edumadze-Acquah.

In an address delivered on behalf of the Director-General, Mr. Offei-Mensah said public financial management systems are key to transparent and accountable governance. He continued that the establishment of the Audit Committee is one of the interventions of the PFM Act to address risks and mitigate their impact on the development of the country. He proceeded to outline the statutory roles of the Committee as mandatory, advisory and supporting.

Dr. Osae mentioned that the mandatory roles of the Committee include pursuing Management to implement recommendations in Internal and External Audit Reports. Also, the Chairperson of the Committee can initiate investigation into suspected cases of fraud or misuse of public funds. According to the Director-General, the Committee as part of its advisory roles should advise Management on financial and risk management practices. On the supporting roles, Mr. Offei-Mensah stated that the Committee should help the Internal Auditor to prepare quarterly internal audit reports. He tasked members to assist in the preparation of the 4th Quarter and Performance Internal Audit Reports which will be due soon.

Mr. Offei-Mensah concluded by entreating Management to support the work of the Committee to ensure the achievement of its mandate. In her closing remarks, the Administrator thanked Mr. Offei-Mensah for inaugurating the Committee and pledged Management’s support to its work.

Members of the Committee are Mr. Carl Mensah Ahadzi (ICAG Rep and Chairman of the Committee), Ms. Rita Anowuoh (IAA Rep), Madam Gladys Kally (IAA Rep), Messiers Ebenezer Arthur and Gad Asorwoe Akwensivie are representatives of OASL. Mr. Frederick Opoku-Denkyira is the Secretary of the Committee.

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