In support of Internal Audit activities of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDA’s) and Regional Coordinating Councils (RCCs), the GIZ donated seventy-six (76) computers through the Internal Audit Agency for onward distribution to its partner institutions (Accountability and Resource Governance (ARG) Districts) and RCCs.
On Wednesday, 1st November, 2023, representatives from the partner institutions and the RCCs across the regions of the country at a ceremony held at the office of the Internal Audit Agency received laptops on behalf of their institutions.
The Director-General of the Agency, Dr. E.O Osae in his opening address thanked the participants for responding to the call. He noted the Agency’s desire to support and reposition Internal audit and the need to start at a point even with the limited resources available.
He informed participants of the European Union (EU) support of computers which other Assemblies who did not benefit from the GIZ scheme will also benefit from. He expressed his hope that this support will be regular so that within the next three years every Internal Audit Unit will be equipped with desk top computers, laptops, printers and vehicles.
Dr. Osae shared on the financing agreement signed with the EU for Twenty-Seven Million Euros to support three (3) institutions, the Public Procurement Authority (PPA), Ghana Audit Service (GAS) and the Internal Audit Agency (IAA) to support capacity building, training and other logistics. He urged them to look forward to a number of trainings in the next four years. Dr. Osae again shared on the GIZ support of Three Hundred Thousand (300,000) Euros to the Agency under its phase two project to support Internal Audit Units across the country.
Seventy-six (76) Laptops were handed over to Sixteen (16) RCCs and sixty (60) partner MMDAs.